Beaurer Creations

Cut Out Flower Tire Bag

This bag is made from recycled tires with brilliant red fabric peaking through floral cutouts. Dimensions are 14 inches wide by 7 inches tall with a 3.5-inch wide base.

Meet the Artisans

Beaurer Creations

This artisan group is located in the impoverished city of New Delhi.  They are making a huge impact by employing workers at fair wages and offering safe, clean working conditions.  They pay above the government issued minimum wage.  Workers enjoy tea breaks each day and weekly prayer, as per tradition. Beauer produces a wide array of products using new and upcycled materials.  Their specialty is home and handbags.  Their workers are trained in macramé, handbag, and accessory crafts work.  Examples of upcycled material that you might find in their products include firehose, tire, and leather label patches from jeans.  By purchasing a Beauer product, you will be helping some of India's poorest people, and its environment.

Meet the Maker: beaurer creations
This artisan group is located in the impoverished city of New Delhi.  They are making a huge impact by employing workers at fair wages and... read more

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